Ask HN: What DNS host / nameserver providers do SVCB and HTTPS record types?
3 by throwaway318 | 0 comments on Hacker News.
tl;dr: Ehat DNS hosts / nameserver providers provide SVCB/HTTPS record types? Background for this questions - SVCB and HTTPS (RFC 9460[1]) are new record types. HTTPS allows pointing to a HTTP3 resource directly from DNS without first doing a DNS lookup, then connecting to the server and establishing it does HTTP3, then connecting via HTTP3. This saves waste from hops. SVCB allows a service to be provided from multiple alternative endpoints. The recent story [2], not submitted or affiliated with me, highlighted Cloudflare currently hosts more than 98% of SVCB and HTTPS record types. HTTP3 now in Nginx 1.25 mainline [3] is rapidly pushing a tipping point for seeing HTTP3 a norm. So, HN, in the interests of not being bound by Cloudflare, whose services are useful but in the interests of seeking independent options, what other DNS hosts / nameserver providers provide these record types? Such a service for me would be worth moving registrar for. [1] [2] [3]

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