Ask HN: Is building a global cache of all computations feasible?
3 by parsabg | 2 comments on Hacker News.
Thinking about the high cost of training large AI models, and how much duplication in computation there must between such models when trained by company A vs company B (say, training a large language model on the whole internet), I've been wondering if it makes sense for humanity to create a central, global database that stores every computation performed by any connected computer (utilizing either CPU or GPU). This would record the inputs of these computations at a low level (in machine code, for instance) and their outputs (like the result of a summation operation). It would be continually updated with new computations over time. The primary function of this database would be to act as a sort of "global cache." When a member computer is about to perform a computation, it would first check this database. If the computation has already been done, the computer would simply fetch the pre-computed result instead of redoing the computation. The underlying goal is to save on compute resources globally. N.B. this does not mean we precompute anything necessarily, but we do store everything we have computed thus far. The hit rate on the cache might be very low for a while, but one would think it'd eventually go up. The way we're going about this (throwing more GPUs at it) just seems awfully wasteful to me. Has anyone thought about/done any research on this?

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