Ask HN: How to manage autistic developer?
21 by throwawayxxnd | 17 comments on Hacker News.
I moved to a new team and after a few months, this coworker that reports to me can't stop giving me trouble. It usually of the communication kind but there are other issues not worth discussing here. We all work remotely. The point is that, by asking a few people that are close to him, I discovered he has been diagnosed as autistic. These people tell me HR knows it but everyone is afraid of getting sued or something so it's a don't ask don't tell situation. People simply ignored him. I will be honest, he drives me crazy on a daily basis. But I want to adapt and accommodate his disability to the best that I can. It's not a situation that I ever experienced as a manager but I think I can make it a useful learning experience that works for both sides, hopefully. Have you been in this situation? Do you have any advice for making his and my life easier?

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