Ask HN: Which (if any) computing device for a 6 year old?
2 by sideshowb | 0 comments on Hacker News.
My other half has expressed a desire to get a tablet for our 6 year old, to run educational apps and games. My thinking on the pros/cons of this * On iOS vs Android: I imagine this is a price/quality tradeoff when it comes to educational apps? (any recommendations for specific apps appreciated). That said the cbeebies games on my android phone seem reasonable. * Against both iOS/Android: compared to a laptop, I get the sense these ecosystems, by dumbing things down, funnel users into being more product than customer. I'm well aware windows does shady stuff as well, but I feel that learning to use abstractions such as a filesystem will likely put children more in charge of their own data. * Against windows: I imagine there aren't so many good touchscreen focused educational apps as either iOS or Android, though I may be wrong? * Against Linux (because I'm sure someone's going to bring it up). Presumably not so many educational apps/games? * Against any device at all: I think we all know the reasons and honestly I'm willing to be persuaded not to get any device at all. Our daughter already gets to watch videos / play educational games on our phones enough as it is. Is there something I'm missing which makes a tablet preferable to continuing the status quo here? Other HN parents you must have made a decision yourselves, I'd be interested to know your take on the above (plus any other concerns I've missed).

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