Ask HN: How do I enter the startup industry?
4 by Gary_TheSnail_ | 5 comments on Hacker News.
How do I get involved in the start-up industry? Where do I get information about what is happening in the industry other than reading HN everyday? I applied to a few jobs on and workatastartup, but got a few rejections (as expected, so not a problem) and no leads. I don't mind starting a business or working in an already existing one, but how do I get started/get in/distinguish myself? Are startups okay with inexperienced (no internships/full time experience)? I am about to finish my bachelors and looking for a place to work or make my own place to work. I don't have a startup business idea, but I'd like to get more involved in the community to see where I may be able to contribute. Any tips/advice and recommendations are welcome! Thank you :)

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