Response to Natives in Tech Asks Apache Software Foundation to Change Name
3 by redman72 | 2 comments on Hacker News.
I couldn't find a way to comment on the other thread... so I will comment here. I have read the comments left by Natives in Tech, as well as other people's comments. To be clear, I am Apache and yes it does piss me off the Apache Software Foundation chose to do that, without the consent of any Apache Tribal Nation. However, I have spoken to several reps from Apache Software Foundation in the hopes of remedy this, and keep it positive. Regrettably, currently the only thing the board members have proven after having an initial dialog from ASF is they understand profit gain and nothing else. They don't care about the Apache tribes, or the damage they do, its intentional. That's okay. Its a start. It isn't written in stone. As a Solution Architect... I am submitted to using it as part of my solution set and my dailies ...and have to hear it time and time again. The experience is like hearing the N word used in a negative context, no different in the exchange of being called Indian, and there is irony in that given that I share the moniker with my fellow colleagues that are from India. Whether or not ASF change their position... as I am sure they are reading this, eventually it won't be a question of if, it will be when. From a personal perspective, and I did share this with members of ASF, Natives in Tech as well as interested techies in the community, I would like to see ASF have a partnership with the Apache Tribes, and provide educational support to the tribes, for inspiring native americans in IT. That would be the responsible thing to do, and it would change the negative image ASF has. It wouldn't matter if the reality is they are doing it for profit, because at least there doing it positively with the support of their backers, and members of the tech community. That is how it should be. As a solution, that is a lot more constructive as a push to a resolve than any lawsuit or negative campaign concieved and instead of dividing people... it brings people together. This is partly why I chose to do what I do,to be an engineer, to challenge the notion of how people view us, and to demonstrate we as Native people are just as capable if not more, to participate as a voice in the industry. ASF taking the name of our people, is no different than a football team like the redskins... Western folk do that because they lack the strength our people have... so they have to borrow that spirit in order to make themselves feel strong.. they have no strength on their own. However taking on that spirit, is a serious responsibility. This is an example of the usage of Native names in the military. Ironically, it was with the blessing of BIA, and not the tribes. However, the irony is as an outcome it has formed a deep respect for Natives that serve, because it is recognized U.S. military has observed as a fact: we demonstrated we are formidable allies in any combat engagement. To my knowledge, most branches of the military honor native service members because of the history. I served for the United States Air Force and I am still proud of it. So it doesn't have to be a subject of sensitivity which only goes so far, and instead becomes a subject of respect and community and ASF would have to examine ethically about their stance of inclusion. They can't say in the same sentence they include native americans inclusively and spit on them at the same time with the name Apache Software Foundation. They will eventually have to respond with action...not words. I open the forum up to anyone who wishes to comment, just please... keep it on point, be respectful and be positive. That is all I ask.
New ask Hacker News story: Response to Natives in Tech Asks Apache Software Foundation to Change Name
Abubakar Mahmoud Sadiq
Hacker News
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