Ask HN: Google account and WhatsApp user data exchange
4 by aljes | 0 comments on Hacker News.
Hi HN, I think i got another paranoia after a few cases when i was googling stuff from my Android based devices. First case, Paris 2019. I have googled something like "jewelery store" right in google maps. Ive immediately got an advertisement on my WhatsApp account from one quite famous brand in home country. On that time I think I was using Asus Zenofone 3. The second case has happened just yesterday in Stockholm, Sweden. I started wondering about crypto currencies which required some nybie googling (Chrome with google account login on Linux laptop). Within a few hours I got an new contact request in WhatsApp(phone) with text looking like "hello my friend. I am a politically affiliated person who got a lot of tokens. Here's wallet number and password" I have receive spam messages sometimes. But both messages look so connected to the subject I was googling.. Has anyone had a similar experience?

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