Ask HN: What's your go-to webhost in 2023 for simple websites?
3 by Michelangelo11 | 5 comments on Hacker News.
I'm trying to put up a simple site with a few HTML and JS files, and I grabbed one of the first hosts I found, CloudFlare Pages. But even digging up the process to put up a tiny, static site like mine took some work -- there were absolutely no obvious options for it in the UI. The forum post I dug up linked to an official documentation page explaining that the only solution involved using git and pulling the files from a GH repo (link for the curious: ) This is obviously a much more complex and less straightforward user experience than the one I had some 20 years ago, when I used an FTP client to upload whatever I wanted by a process that was pretty obvious, took just a couple of steps, and was hard to screw up. That's exactly what I'd like to be able to do again, but I have no idea if there's a hosting service that can offer something like that today. Can anyone recommend one they've had good experiences with?

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