Ask HN: Top 10 Timeless Software Books That ChangedLife as Software Engineer?
2 by burhanrashid52 | 0 comments on Hacker News.
Few months month ago, Someone asked on Twitter “Do you read programming books? If yes, why?”. You can read my answer in the tweet, Here are mine, in order of how a developer starts their journey, from basic to scaling problems: 1. Code: The Hidden Language of Computers (Pure Basic: Starting with Binary) 2. Working Effectively with Legacy Code (Dealing with an ugly codebase) 3. Refactoring Improve the design of the existing codebase (Making changes safely without breaking the code) 4. Test-Driven Development (TDD) (Once you’ve learned all the above, you always start writing tests first) 5. Head First Design Principles (Terminology and concepts for maintainable and extendable design) 6. Algorithms to Live By (Algorithms are fundamental ideas before we write any code) 7. Git Pro (Software cannot run without a Version Control System (VCS). We use it every minute of our working day) 8. Your Code as a Crime Scene (Finding problems in the code using code history) 9. Data-Intensive Applications (Databases are everywhere) 10. Software Engineering at Google (Addressing the biggest scaling problems) Honorable Mentions: 1. Clean Code (Writing code that is easy to understand by other developers) 2. The Soft Skills (Coding alone is not enough to be a great software engineer) 3. Peopleware (Managing software teams). Also, I am planning to write a short book summarizing all the important points from these above books. If you are interested in getting one or want to be part of an early reader, please email me at

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