Ask HN: How did FTX not fail technically first?
4 by kevinsimper | 1 comments on Hacker News.
A lot of articles mentions FTX development team consisting of 10-25 developers. In the Bloomberg documentary it says they all lived together. In court Gary Wang has also been showcased as one of the primary developers. How did the FTX platform not fail technically? How were they able to build a trading platform that people were happy with and could support all the transactions? In the court presentation screenshot of code from GitHub is shown. How has the source code not been leaked with such a small team? The incentive to infiltrate a trading platform is enormous. Without dedicated security team and air tight deployment, I would have estimated that a technical failure would have been much higher than fraud. There are examples like WhatsApp and Instagram where a small team made some big, but those were not integrating with money, which leaves a lot more room for error. A image or message not send or save, no big deal. A trade on a trading platform lost? Trust immediately lost and never recovered.

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