Ask HN: How to transition from non-fiction to fiction reading?
3 by elayabharath | 7 comments on Hacker News.
I'm a dev who's been living off a steady diet of non-fiction for years — think self-help at 17, then into pop science and psychology. It's been awesome, but I've got this nagging feeling that my brain's become a bit too linear? Plus, I'm starting to think my English could use some flair beyond the facts and figures. I've heard fiction is great for stretching your brain and buffing up your language skills. I would like some of that, but every time I open a novel, I end up zoning out and reaching for something with a bit more facts and data. So I'm curious—any of you been in these shoes? - How'd you flip the switch and start getting lost in a good story? - Are there fiction books that you would recommend starting on? - Or maybe some of you have some hacks or mindset tricks that made fiction click for you in the initial days? Would love to hear your thoughts or advice!

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