Ask HN: Any tool to help with writing technical design documents?
2 by chw9e | 0 comments on Hacker News.
I am curious if anyone knows of a tool to help in the process of drafting a technical design document. I frequently have to write design docs in my work as a software engineer and starting with a blank slate is always an imposing task. It usually takes me a few days to riff on my design and break it into small tasks, put together a timeline, etc. Then when it first is shared out there's always lots of feedback that needs to get worked back in, it can turn into quite a time consuming process. I'm wondering if anyone has used anything to help with this. Stuff like Linear or Asana doesn't really seem helpful because the design doc is what gets converted into tasks and not visa versa. Right now I'm just working in Google Docs so almost anything could be better...

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