Tell HN: Vim Has Autocomplete
3 by keepamovin | 6 comments on Hacker News.
I've been a vim user since 2014 I think. Sometimes I'd accidentally mash some keys while typing and this beautiful green dropdown menu would momentarily flash before my eyes. I had no idea what it was but it looked like an autocomplete. Initially I thought it was from the OS, or the terminal emulator. But slowly I began to form the idea that: Could it really be vim...itself? Vainly I search for the secret command in the past. Google failed me. StackOverflow failed me. My search fu was weak I suppose....but today I am victorious. I have discovered the secret combination. Thank you ChatGPT for enlightening me. Crtl-X Crtl-L summons the magical menu. There's a bunch of other combinations too: Ctrl-X Ctrl-F: File name completion Ctrl-X Ctrl-K: Dictionary completion Ctrl-X Ctrl-T: Thesaurus completion Finally I can use this useful feature!

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