Ask HN: Conflicted about my FAANG work place
4 by throwaway757 | 3 comments on Hacker News.
Throwaway for obvious reasons: I know I am in an extremely privileged position but nevertheless I need help. Facts: I work at “the” FAANG company as a Software Engineer. I make about ~350k per year living in the Bay Area. I am close to 20 years into my career and have never gotten promoted or risen through a corporate ladder for various reasons. We are a family of 4 that I support on my income alone. Thoughts: I am reasonably “smart”. I can do what I need to do at my job. Typically get EE ratings for performance at my current job. However I don’t look forward to what do at work. I do my work because it’s pays the bills and I know that so many people would metaphorically speaking kill to have what I have. I feel guilty about complaining. I am not sure what’s the best approach for me me is to move forward if my goal is financial independence. I know rsijg up at my current job to a Leadership role would get me to financial independence but I just don’t see the path. My company is extremely large and I am a cog in the wheel. I have always thought about being my own boss but never have actually done it. I would like to create my own startup but I also realize that pursuing that means quitting my well paying job to take a MASSIVE chance. While I would have no problems do that if it were just me I have 3 people that depend on me and it’s not like if I create a startup I can earn a comparable salary in the early days. Logically speaking I should keep my job and try to do something on the side that gets me to financial independence doing something that actually interests me or make my peace and try an rise up where I am. But I also know you can’t rise up if you are bored at work. I want to hear from people who are or have been in a similar boat to understand how you have thought through this.

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