Ask HN: Local Mac Wysiwyg HTML Editor? (for “Lo-fi” website)
7 by dv35z | 4 comments on Hacker News.
Hola! After futzing with static site generators, and markdown/Obsidian publishing pipelines. I’m trying to get into writing - and making it part of a daily flow. I’ve really wanted to like using Obsidian, but I’m not a huge fan of the desktop app, and the mobile app takes too long to open - I’d like to try something else. I want to take a swing at a simple folder of HTML files, which I rsync/SFTP to AWS S3. I’m posting how-to articles, blogs etc. I’m looking for somewhat of a “lo-fi” solution. Local app, Not-cloud based, open-source preferred. I thought there was a VS Code plugin, but haven’t found it. I’d like to editing experience to be similar to editing Google Doc - as opposed in writing markdown/html tags. I frequently copy my notes into email, or exporting as PDF. An HTML doc is pretty good for that. I was hoping to find an OSS version of Dreamweaver or something like that a but haven’t found it. What do you suggest? I’d love to maintain the Obsidian-like cross linking ability… for now, I’m thinking to just put the HTML cross links in manually (unless you have better ideas) Thanks!

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