Ask HN: I got the .com for my surname, best way to share this with family?
2 by consumer451 | 4 comments on Hacker News.
I have a relatively uncommon surname, and I was eventually able to get the At this time, I have the most basic G Suite account using the domain name, so I can have, although I am not tied down to this. I just did it because after playing with proton, fastmail, and others, gmail was the most reliable email. If I want to share the opportunity to have with my family members, with whom I am not close at all, what is the best way to accomplish this? ^ That is the main question, don't get distracted by the rest of my post below. I could manually accomplish this a few different ways, but is there anything out there which would enable this with the least amount of legal and customer support liability? I don't want to host email. I was thinking just incoming forwards would be easiest, but would love to hear any other thoughts on the matter. Ideally, incoming and outgoing would be supported, though I know Send As is up to the email host. Something like but only for email aliases? I would manually approve each application, but the mechanics would be automated. Is there FOSS anywhere close to this? Sorry if this question is a mess. Thanks in advance for any advice.

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