Ask HN: How close are we to a World War situation?
3 by keepamovin | 7 comments on Hacker News.
It is October 2023. Russian is in a prolonged conflict with the Ukraine. And Israel has just gone to war with Palestine after a devastating surprise attack from Hamas. Break outs of major battlefronts in two main areas, Russian-Ukraine and Israel-Palestine, seems to echo the situation before WWI and WWII. Not to mention coming at a time of intensifying geopolitical "chicken", and increased international distrust. Add that to a world suffering under the stress of economic crises, gas shortages and price hikes, and just out of a global pandemic--it seems as if we could be on a precipice. While there are some surface-level similarities between now and the pre-histories of both world wars of last century, there are also substantial differences. History doesn't repeat itself exactly, though it can sometimes rhyme. Differences include the presence of global institutions, nuclear deterrence, interconnected economies, the influence of 24/7 media, and a less ideological drive behind conflicts. Similarities feature regional conflicts that could draw in larger powers, economic crises and resource scarcity, a general atmosphere of global unrest, and rising nationalism. Alarmism is easy, and apocalyptic doomsayers are commonplace, so it's wise to be cautious and often sensible to dismiss such talk as baseless catastrophizing. However, it is possible that this time is different. What say you?

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