Ask HN: How do I assess my seniority level?
3 by SwiftyBug | 1 comments on Hacker News.
Over the past four years, I've been dedicating myself to a startup where I'm the sole developer. There's a high likelihood that the company may not survive the next six months, so it seems that the time for me to start job hunting is approaching. However, I'm not entirely sure to what kind of role to apply. I understand that a senior position at a FAANG company is vastly different from a senior role at a small startup. But I'm not even certain whether I can categorize myself as a senior in a small startup. Before launching this company, I worked as a mid-level developer at a prominent tech company. It wasn't as big as FAANG, but it was a leader in its field in my country. I realize that in some respects, not working within a team for a while may have set me back. However, on the flip side, I've gained a wealth of experience in many areas that I wouldn't have been exposed to in my previous role. Essentially, I now manage the full stack, whereas I previously had a more frontend-focused role. My experience has expanded more in breadth than in depth, although I believe it has grown significantly in both aspects. How can I accurately assess where I currently stand in relation to the market level?

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