Ask HN: Tech that seems to have vanished
7 by araes | 7 comments on Hacker News.
Main Question: What tech do you remember over the past years that seems to have withered or vanished from the public zeitgeist? (even if it's really just stealth). Motivation: Was reading "Ian Wilmut, Creator of Dolly the Sheep Dies" [1] today, and realized that Dolly was born back in 1996 (>1/4 century). Yet, I rarely, if ever, read about cloning of any kind until Dolly's creator dies. Notably, this appears to be a case where the tech is being used, yet not written about very much [2]. The list of species cloned is pages long, yet I have not read about any of these in major news. [3] Cloning hamburger (cattle)? Cloning housepets (canines)? Backup housepets in case Yeller falls in the well (Sooam Biotech, South Korea, was reported in 2015 to have cloned 700 dogs for their owners @ $100k / each)? Other examples from my own view: Graphene - First sighted 2004, still cannot buy graphene in any real quantities (cm's for $100's) Digital/Smart/Bionic Contact Lens - First sighted 2010, apparently existed earlier (1999). A lot of companies have appeared and then failed or pivoted [4] (Mojo Vision being the most recent [5]) Thermal Cameras - I really thought every phone would have a cheap, mass manufacture thermal camera by now, so everybody could do "U so hot" jokes. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Tech that seems to have vanished
Abubakar Mahmoud Sadiq
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