Ask HN: Contract employee telling employer about own company
3 by 7hr0w2w2y9988 | 0 comments on Hacker News.
Hi all, burner account to ask a question about contract employment. I am a contract software developer and have been contracting with the same company full-time for a few years (let's call this "day job"). I recently started my own company in an unrelated field (concrete construction) and am curious if/when I should tell "day job" about the "concrete company". I have professional experience in both fields but have just been working most recently in "day job". For the sake of this specific question let's ignore any non-compete, time allocation, or legal specifics. I am not seeking legal advice. I enjoy working at "day job" but would eventually like to ween myself off "day job" and pursue "concrete company" full time. "Day job" has a culture of open communication and I feel "personally" comfortable with telling management about my engagements outside of work. Is it "professionally" relevant to tell "day job" management about "concrete company" at all? If it is relevant, when should I tell "day job" about "concrete company"? As mentioned above I feel "personally" comfortable with "day job" management but am aware it may not be in my best "professional" interest to say anything about "concrete company". If/when I am able to pursue "concrete company" full-time it certainly makes sense to leave "day job". Once again, I am not seeking legal advice, any opinions or thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!

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