Ask HN: What neglected jobs are necessary for continuity of human civilization?
2 by journeyman_man | 0 comments on Hacker News.
Hello, Hackernews. Long time lurker, first time poster here. I have had a relatively prosperous career as a software engineer, but I have spent it thus far entirely within the startup ouroboros (i.e. unprofitable companies raising funding to sell expensive SaaS to other unprofitable companies paying with funding they raised to sell ... and so on) The recent fiasco around all US flights being grounded due to an FAA computer failure, among other events, has made me increasingly unnerved that the world we live in is only possible today because of past systems and discoveries that are already in the process of being lost. I am personally somewhat fond of advanced civilization, so I would like to put my talents and time to work for a cause that actually matters for the goal of preserving it. Even if that means taking a pay cut. Yet, I'm not sure where to begin with this project. So, Hackernews, I must ask you: Where do you see the cracks in the foundation starting to appear? What thing is necessary for all of us to keep going, but fails to get the necessary attention from the powers that be? Where has Chesterton's fence been blown over by a storm? I want to help, not just profit, and so any guidance would be greatly appreciated.

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