Tell HN: You are not alone this Christmas (Hacker Xmas Discord)
3 by bjourne | 0 comments on Hacker News.
If you are alone this Christmas, or just can't stand your friends/family why not check out the Hacker Xmas Discord server?! Bet you didn't know about this one cause I just created it! Come for the Christmas feelings and winter memes, stay for the static vs dynamic typing flame wars and political bickering. Just check it out! It's this link -> Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with whatever company runs Discord, I don't make any money, I've never run a Discord server before so I hope some of you tech savvy types can help me out, and if this post violates HN rules I hope the mods remove it. Server will stay up for a few days. Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukah, Happy Winter Solstice!!

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