Ask HN: Transitioning out of Web App CRUD, into other CS fields?
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Summary: I am completely burnt out on building endless CRUD apps. I am wondering if anyone here has successfully transitioned out of that and into something more interesting, but still technical. Can be computer science related or entirely different. How did it go? How far along in your career were you? Did you go back to school? Just apply for different jobs? Etc. More about me: I am 28 years old with 6 years of industry experience and a computer science degree. I’ve been building web CRUD apps the whole time, even back in college. I consider myself a good developer and I’ve received lots of positive feedback from colleagues over my career, but I have lost all interest in commercial web development. I know no job is perfect and burnout is its own thing I have to deal with, but having something new to learn about and focus on would help me, I think. So, anyone have success stories of transitioning away from web dev into other technical fields? I would love to hear about it. Cheers! (Edited to remove my rant about why I don’t like web dev anymore so we can just focus on the career switch question).
New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Transitioning out of Web App CRUD, into other CS fields?
Abubakar Mahmoud Sadiq
Hacker News
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