Ask HN: How easy or difficult is it to overtrain using bodyweight workouts?
2 by debanjan16 | 1 comments on Hacker News.
I have heard quite a bit about strength training on HN, though it may not be the main focus of this site. As a programmer with a desk job, I don't want to live with back pain starting as early as my 30s. I have weighed several options and calisthenics or bodyweight workouts stand out to be the best option for me as I can do them from my home. Now my question is: I hear that in the gym if you train full body more than 3 days a week, it is very easy to overtrain and halt progress. But, using calisthenics, is it possible to train full body everyday? Has anyone been doing it? Or will it lead to overtraining very fast? I found a youtube channel called Kboges: where the trainer advocates for daily training without going to failure. Maybe a few sessions to failure. The training style is very simple: One push, One pull and a Lower body movement, daily 7 days a week for 3 to 5 sets. I would love if you share your experiences regarding training calisthenics in different styles and the results and wisdom you obtained. My goal is to put on muscle and be generall fit and strong to move around till old age. I do not want to get huuge, I am not suggesting it is easy to get big, people always get me wrong, I am just stating that is not my goal.

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