Ask HN: How to continue to be gracious about the good fortune of rich friends?
117 by gfykvfyxgc | 178 comments on Hacker News.
I have no money. I do have rich friends who are getting richer and richer every year. I try to be gracious and happy for their good fortune. However it makes me depressed and angry and envious. One friend told me a few days ago his house went up in value $1,000,000 in one year, at which point he sold it. I visited my cousin who is a fabulous person and has a gorgeous house freshly renovated and extended and a new pool put it. All around me my peers are becoming very wealthy. And I’m at the bottom with nothing. I try to be happy for them and gracious and to listen and enthuse whilst they tell me of their good fortune or show me around their stunning houses. And afterwards I feel smashed with depression as I go back to my shit rental house that I’m ashamed of. Good people, great friends, and seeing them brings me down. Rich people aren’t aware that their tales of success make people like me feel bad. They shouldn’t have to be aware of that or hold themselves back. As a good friend I should feel happy for them, and I pretend to, but inside it makes me feel terrible. If you’re commenting on this thread and offering advice, I encourage you add the context of whether you are one of those who have money or not.

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