Ask (Poll?) HN: How many hats are you wearing?
2 by travisgriggs | 1 comments on Hacker News.
I work for a small team and wear a lot of hats. My primary skill/contribution is in many areas. My hypothesis is that as team size grows, individual hat count goes down, as the different players move into regular "positions". I also wonder if its somewhat of a personality/team configuration thing though. I'd like to sample that. So how many hats are you wearing? How big is your team? Are you representative of everyone else on the team, or an anomaly? (to me, the following are examples of "hats": database admin, python backend, javascript front end, graphics designer (or liason), embedded C developer, etc. Done with enough frequency that it's a regular part of your contribution, not just a "dabble in")
New ask Hacker News story: Ask (Poll?) HN: How many hats are you wearing?
Abubakar Mahmoud Sadiq
Hacker News
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