Ask HN: Why is tech UX so bad in general?
2 by friendly_chap | 3 comments on Hacker News.
I have just tried to get my access back to my bank account. Since I switch numbers frequently due to moving countries, 2FA is hell for me. To get my account back I need a selfie with both my face and ID visible. Very hard. Guess it's due to security. After some hours wasted I got it done. Time to transfer the file. Of course gmail does not send my email. Fear not, I am smarter than that. Upload to Drive. Nope, does not work either. Weird. Upload with facebook messenger maybe? Hmm they compress images like hell. The other day fiverr was not loading orders for like a day. turned chinese for no reason. Google cloud resets my functions to private randomly. Am I losing my mind? Getting old? Too busy? Frustrated? Am I just a shitty developer? How do non techies cope?

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