Ask HN: How to travel by train without vibrations / getting shaken up
9 by kite_and_code | 8 comments on Hacker News.
When traveling home for Christmas, I was thinking that traveling by train is a great means of “autonomous travel” (in fact there is an advertising by the German railway company that describes the outcomes of autonomous cars and then the punchline points towards trains). However, I get some nausea from the constant vibrations/getting shaken up (how would a native English speaker express this?) and I am wondering how to minimize that disturbance? (Noise is no Problem any more with noise canceling headphones and, optional, music) For the first version I am not primarily interested in re-engineering the whole train wagon because I don’t have the budget for that xP However, I am wondering if there is a way for a clever “child seat-like” thing that buffers the movements before they reach my body? (Maybe similar to the floating backpack?) I would be grateful for any pointers or contacts to mechanical(?) engineers that know how to approach that. In case someone wants to build it: my personal willingness to pay is (currently) somewhere between 100-500$ if it is somehow portable like a backpack.

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