Ask HN: Project based data structures and algorithms book?
2 by tsthename | 0 comments on Hacker News.
Most books I've read on the topic follow a similar structure. Introduce Big O notation, introduces concepts in the abstract and show isolated implementations in code. At work I find myself wishing I had some more insight/guidance on the following problems: 1. Decision making when requirements aren't clear or may be subject to change. How do I avoid giving myself problems in the future? 2. I don't know all the data structures and algorithms off the top of my head. After reasoning about the requirements how do professional developers do research for the implementation? 3. How do I make trustworthy measurements? What tools do I use? 4. How do I combine multiple structures/algorithms to solve the specific domain problem I'm facing? In short, I'd appreciate recommendations for resources that focus on using DS/Algo knowledge in real work scenarios.
New ask Hacker News story: Ask HN: Project based data structures and algorithms book?
Abubakar Mahmoud Sadiq
Hacker News
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