Looking to get my foot in the door as a Python developer
2 by eyun89 | 1 comments on Hacker News.
I decided on a career change a couple of years ago and committed to learning Python. I've done various side projects of my own and also was extremely lucky enough to land a entry level position at a small data science-related company through someone I know. Unfortunately, that company ended up going under right about the time corona-virus hit and I have yet to formally work as a proper software developer. I've been looking through employment sites and things have been difficult for me because I'm coming from such a different work background (I have been professionally cooking for 4-5 years after graduating college). I'd like to figure out how to get my foot in the door in order to get a proper start on becoming employed. I'm completely willing to work for free in order to gain experience and to learn what it takes to become employable. If there is anyone here that can benefit from having helper for Python-related work, I would love to make myself useful for free. My goal is to learn and work towards becoming employed in this new field. Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.

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