Idea: Svc that connects you to people “recently recovered” from Covid for hire
2 by russellendicott | 0 comments on Hacker News.
The only people who can truly claim to be safe from contracting or exposing the virus are those who have tested positive and then recently tested negative. They could provide necessary services for up to 3 months. I can't find anyone offering this sort of service yet. There was an article back in April 2020 that mentioned that the "recently recovered" could be critical in fixing the economy [1]. I know I would personally pay a premuim for this service for a high risk family member. Use cases: - drive at risk people to testing sites or medical appointments - work in high risk positions like delivering supplies to nursing homes and homes of high risk people It would require very good tracking of both the positive and negative tests and you'd have to have a way of certifying people. However, it seems like something people could try on a small scale in their local communities via NextDoor or Facebook. [1] -

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