Ask HN: What's Holding You Back?
13 by jkcorrea | 18 comments on Hacker News.
Happy New Year HN! I'm sure a lot of you set resolutions for yourself today and I wish you nothing but success. Personally I've never been a goal setter and shy away from attaching myself to any particular vision of the future.. But I'm curious: If you have a vision/dream/passion, what's holding you back from pursuing or, if you're already in pursuit, achieving it? I'll start: I don't think I know or maybe even have let myself decide on a vision to pursue. A lot of you have "life's work" visions or passion projects here and I admire that, but for me my attention span for any single vision thus far has been quite short (~1 year) and thus unfruitful in terms of traditional "success" metrics.. So I'm curious - what do you think is holding you back? There's no right/wrong answers here, except to maybe just write what first comes to your mind. Thanks all :)

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