Ask HN: I could use some career advice
6 by fallableMint | 4 comments on Hacker News.
I don't hate my job, but I also don't like it. I like the flexible work hours that I have. I also like my unlimited vacation. And the Covid Restrictions have been the best thing for me because my company is now permanently remoted based and I can work from home indefinitely. I also generally like my co-workers and managers are alright. The pay is okay. Supports my cost of living and higher than most people my age, but a little underpaid compared to most Software Engineers in the US. The thing I don't like is my actual work. From the day I got here (3 years ago) I've found the work to be really boring 90% of the time. I would prefer to work somewhere that I can work on an actual product from start to finish. And also work on products that have some actual value to them. I don't really care much for the code, I'm more interested in building products and optimizing them and learning along the way. The problem is that I have not been able to find any jobs in my area that actually allow me to do this. Most of the jobs I come across just seem more of the same; I would just be a code monkey on some scrum team working for a boring financial company or something. My ultimate goal is to start my own business but that takes time. Until then, what do you think I should focus on career wise? Also, there are moments when I think about going back to school for Neuroscience or something else that I find more interesting but that costs a lot of money.

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