Thank HN: All of you, this place, gives me hope
10 by pugio | 2 comments on Hacker News.
It's been... a year, and the world trends disturbingly. Thank you to this wonderful community for providing an optimistic counterpoint to the gloom-for-clicks deluge parts of the 'net have become. No matter what's going on, or what new catastrophe those around me are discussing, I know I can come to HN and find hopeful people, creative people, sane people, rational, intelligent, insightful, compassionate, careful people. This place is special; a daily n=1 proof that healthy communities can exist and thrive, that ideas are discussed deeply and enthusiastically, and that at least some percent of humanity are engaged in building better things, for profit, for the world, or just for the sheer joy of hacking and finding things out. At the end of a very long year, thank you.
New ask Hacker News story: Thank HN: All of you, this place, gives me hope
Abubakar Mahmoud Sadiq
Hacker News
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