Encrypted email provider ProtonMail has officially launched its new calendar in public beta. The move is part of the Swiss company's broader push to offer privacy-focused alternatives to Google's key products. From a report: ProtonMail has been talking about its plans to launch an encrypted calendar for a while. But starting from today, all ProtonMail users on a paid plan will be able to access ProtonCalendar, and it will be opened to everyone when it exits beta in 2020. "Our goal is to create and make widely accessible online products [that] serve users instead of exploiting them," said ProtonMail CEO Andy Yen. ProtonMail hasn't set out to reinvent the wheel in terms of the features and format of ProtonCalendar. It sports a clean interface with views by month and day, color-coded event types, and so on. It is also tied to a user's ProtonMail email account.

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