Ask HN: Selling Software, How?
2 by siscia | 3 comments on Hacker News.
Hi folks, I am developing and working on a side project I would like to monetize, RediSQL ( The point is that sales are extremely slow. The software is an SQL database that works on top of Redis (it just use Redis for the connection layer, the data set are completely distinguished) and the SQL engine is implemented by SQLite. I really believe that there is a market for this, I needed it years ago when developing my own app and people are using it in production (or at least are keeping instance up). But still I cannot sell it. I don't understand what I am doing wrong. I get in touch with users and they are happy and don't ask for features. I rank extremely high for keyword terms on Google (like "in-memory sql", or "fast SQL engine") and indeed I get an healthy stream of people on the website. There are things that could be improved in the product, but I don't know what to prioritize. Moreover I want to avoid to just work in the tech without any marketing... But I don't know what kind of marketing I should do. I am definitely doing something wrong, but I don't know what. Please help!

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